8515 S Stony Island Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60617

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Phone : 773-221-2121
Fax :     773-221-2124

Our Curriculum

thumb imagesLinks To Learning Child Care uses a contemporary, research-based curricular philosophy as the basis for its operative functions. Using the educational philosophies of John Dewey and the humanistic approach to learning, we have devised an effective curriculum that centers on guided instruction while at the same time allowing for the blossoming of every child’s innate potentials.

Specifically, our curriculum emphasizes on:

Individual Differences – providing a spectrum of diversified learning opportunities to cater to individual learning styles

Multiple Intelligences – knowing that intelligence is not only limited to cognition, we look for potential in all areas of capacity

Behavioral Psychology – using reinforcements to shape behavior

Cognitive Development – according to the theory of Piaget, learning is relative to development. Age is a prime factor we consider and take into detail

Empowering Choices – letting children possess an early concept about the power of their decisions to effect change

Each curricular perspective is laid out perfectly to coincide with our educational objectives and aims. We build on your child’s experiences and enrich their knowledge and curiosity about themselves and the physical world, all in a comforting, encouraging, and conducive learning setting.

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